I didn't bother about it when Yean said we need to have our 72-hour emergency kit ready by October something. I didn't pay attention either to the date he mentioned until the branch presidency gathered the Priesthood and the Relief Society after today's sacrament meeting. Branch President Renner reminded members that it was now several weeks since he first said to prepare and he would not remind them again. Members will receive calls to assemble at the church before the week is over, and to treat it as real emergency situation. He wouldn't say what day. The parable of the 10 virgins was brought up.
Friday, 10 October 2008
We have prepared. Yean and I packed most of the things by Tuesday 8 October and completed today. I know I should have the kit ready, to grab and go anytime, by Monday because natural disasters have no respect to time.
Putting my thinking cap as a leader, I think our leaders wanted to instill the sense of importance in this matter, to be prepared all the time, as counselled by our Prophets. Flash floods are common in Malaysia and floods that last for a few days have happened in the past and it would happen again - catching us unexpectedly.
Saturday, 11 October 2008
Yean's cellphone vibrated at around 1 something in the afternoon. We got to the church about 2 pm. Traffic is bad in Kuala Lumpur and I guess maybe it is like that on a Saturday afternoon.
If it was a real situation and it was flooding, there is no way we would be able to get out of this apartment! We might have to climb to the roof!
At the church - making yourself at home with the 72-hour emergency kit
It was only a branch activity!
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